As a parent with a child with Anxiety it was so easy to mirror that emotion.
His anxiety would give me anxiety.
I didn't even have anxiety to start with.
He would come to me with his worry and anxieties
or I would see it play out within him and I would start to be anxious about him getting anxious.
I would try to avoid things so that he wouldn't get anxious.
I would try and cushion things so he wouldn't get anxious.
I would try and protect him any way I could.
It was exhausting.
I was having so much of my own anxiety about it all.
Finally I realized that my Anxiety about his Anxiety was not helping anyone.
Not him.
Not me.
Not anyone.
It took some time,
But I started to see that it was ok that he felt anxiety and I didn't have to feel it with him.
That is why I am such a good Anxiety Coach for Teens.
I can help your teen without falling down their rabbit hole of Anxiety with them.
And I know how the best tools to help them.
Does your teen struggle with Anxiety?
Book a Parent Strategy Session with me to see how my program will help your teen now.
Click the link below.